Your graduation cap is waiting.

Our experienced academic coaches help college, Master's, and PhD students get there faster.

College students

Master the skills you need to succeed in class and beyond.

Master's students

Learn how to manage your workload and complete your graduate thesis on time.

Doctoral students

Complete your dissertation with the support, guidance, and accountability you need.

Post-Doctoral & Faculty

Convert your dissertation into a book, prepare for for tenure, and become a more effective teacher.

Frequently Asked Questions

Coacher uses AI to rank all coaches by how well they fit your needs and preferences. When you finish the intake process, you'll be offered a choice between your best-fitting coaches for your discovery call.

You can always switch coaches with Coacher. After your discovery call, you'll have the option to continue with your current coach or choose a different one from your top matches.

If you are a doctoral student or faculty, we will match you with a coach who specializes in your general field. For example, if you're a political science doctoral candidate, you will be matched with a coach who specializes in coaching for social science dissertations; if you're an assistant professor in biology, your coach will be specialized in coaching life sciences faculty.

If you're a college or grad student, the algorithm is informed by - but is not limited to - the coach's substantive field of expertise.

Your thesis or dissertation advisor is a subject-matter expert whose primary role is ensuring that your research meets a high academic standard. An academic coach, by contrast, focuses primarily on process. They help you create a clear and realistic plan, help you allocate time and energy efficiently, and provide the accountability and support you need to make consistent progress.

Coacher lets coaches set their own rates, and rates vary widely based on many factors, including the coaching area, coach experience, and service packages. Our commissions are well below market rates to keep coaching as affordable and accessible as possible. When you get matched with coaches, you'll receive their pricing information to inform your decision.